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  1. #1441
    21 juli 2011


    Naam: Foto 943. Northrop XP-79B Flying Ram. 43-52437 (352437). Crashed Sept. 12, 1945 on first flight.jpeg
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    Foto 943.
    43-52437 (352437). Northrop XP-79B Flying Ram.
    Crashed Sept 12, 1945 on first flight six miles south of Muroc, California, killing Northrop test pilot Harry H. Crosby.
    The airplane was observed flying at 7,000 feet agl. The airplane performed a slow roll and then entered a shallow climb then performed several more slow rolls. The airplane entered a steep climb and then fell off and entered a vertical dive. The pilot escape hatch was observed to fall away at about 2,000 feet agl. The pilot bailed out at about 1,000 feet agl but was struck in the head by part of the airplane. The airplane slammed into the ground and exploded, the pilot hitting the ground a short distance away. Northrop investigators speculated that aileron "snatching" might have caused the aileron to become jammed in the full deflect position, causing the pilot to lose control of the airplane. An autopsy determined that the pilot was killed when his skull was fractured during the bail out attempt. (Source: Joe Baugher)

    Groet, Ruud.

  2. #1442
    21 juli 2011


    5 oktober 2024.

    Dit draadje is
    zeer vroeg vanochtend de 1.5 miljoen keer bekeken gepasseerd.

    ​Groet, Ruud.

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