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Discussie: voorschriften beschildering

  1. #1
    15 januari 2008

    Standaard voorschriften beschildering

    Vooroorlogse nederlandse militaire vliegtuigen hadden op het richtingsroer de Nederlandse driekleur. Op een bepaald moment is dit afgeschaft en moest de vlag bij alle vliegtuigen overgeschilderd worden. Weet iemand per wanneer dat voorschrift gemaakt is?

  2. #2


    Bedoel je het moment dat op de oranje richtingsroeren en driehoeken overgegaan is?

  3. #3


    De driekleur is officieel op 16 december 1938 van het staartroer verdwenen. Het onderstaande overzicht heb ik weleens op een ander forum gepost.

    Ik heb ooit ook het nummer van het besluit nog geweten, maar als je dat wilt weten, moet ik even zoeken.

    1 July 1913
    No nationality marking
    5 August 1914
    An orange cicle on the top and bottom surfaces af the wings. Later a cicle on both sides of the fuselage was added.
    11 July 1921
    Red-White-Blue rosette with a small orange cicle in the middle on the top and bottom of the wings and on both sides of the fuselage. The rudder was completely painted in the national colours. Despite the absence of an official designation the LvA applied the markings on the wings with the red segment facing forward.
    23 December 1932
    As from 1931 the LvA decided to change this and put the white segment facing aft. Per Royal Decree Nr. 90 of 23 December 1932 this became standard for all military aircraft in The Netherlands.
    16 December 1938
    Because of camouflage the the rudder were not painted in the national colours anymore (!)
    23 September 1939
    To avoid confusion with British and Czechoslovakian nationality markings the rosette was replaced by black outlined orange triangles. The rudder was painted orange, out-lined with black.
    12 July 1940
    Dutch aircraft flown in foreign Air Forces use a small orange triagle next to the national marking of the Air Force.
    12 March 1942
    To avoid confusion with the Japanese National Marking the Dutch aircraft in the Dutch Indies replaced the orange triangles with a rectangle shaped Red-White-Blue National flag. (The RAAF allowed the Dutch squadrons to continue the use of "normal" Dutch markings)
    2 July 1946
    The Red-White-Blue rosette is re-introduced. A small national flag is painted on both sides of the tail.
    8 June 1959
    Following the Americans the national marking are only painted on the top of the right wing, the bottom of the left wing and both sides of the fuselage. The National flag on the tail is not longer used.

    Met groet,

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